[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event* July 1st Tour through Jagdschloss Grunewald
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
So Jun 25 16:19:30 CEST 2023
Hello everyone,
We are going to have a guided tour through the Jagdschloss Grunewald, the oldest preserved castle of Berlin next Saturday, July 1st!
The picturesque Renaissance palace building was constructed in 1542 by the Hohenzollern Elector Joachim II. of Brandenburg. Since, it was used as a hunting lodge by courtly hunting groups - hence the name "Jagdschloss". Nowaday it also contains a museum famous Cranach paintings and portraits of the Hohenzollern dynasty. Join us, if you'd like to learn more about the history of the place and spend an afternoon in this picturesque castle with us! The Jagdschloss is located on the beautiful Grunewaldsee, which we can also hang out at after the tour. 😍
Our guided tour takes place next Saturday, July 1st from 2.45 pm (the tour itself will take about an hour). We will meet at the bus stop Königin-Luise-Str./Clayallee in Dahlem at 2 pm and walk over to the castle together (its a 20 minute walk.)
The cost for the tour is 2 € per person! Please register on Forms ( https://forms.gle/ZoXWpNSYE8Ta4AV88) AND send the 2 € on Paypal to kiramertmann at t-online.de to confirm your registration. Please only send via Friends&Family on Paypal, we are a student group and will loose a portion of the money otherwise - hope you understand! :)
Excited to see you there! 😍
Best wishes
Your International Club team
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