[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event* Tue 4 July - Concert Allstar-Band * Get your free ticket now

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Mi Jun 28 11:38:04 CEST 2023

Hey dear Erasmi,

there will be an all-star open air live concert of a big band made up of musicians of the biggest Berlin universities on Tempelhofer Feld.

The tickets are for free, but you need to book them nonetheless via the following link:

It will be a great musical summer evening where one can just walk a couple of meters and you already are on the Tempelhofer Feld to just chill there after the concert.

We will meet up at Tue 4 July 18:30 Uhr on this spot (Trattoria Toscana https://goo.gl/maps/Z2jnvtj3uZVhVToU9 ) to gather, get something to drink from the supermarket. Then we go on the Tempelhofer Feld close to the location, drink, chill and mingle for a bit, before going the last steps the concert location - so best try to be on time if you want to enjoy this event within our group.

International students from other universities than the FU are welcome too, so feel free to bring them with you!

Join our WhatsApp group for this event:

Looking forward to see you there!

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We’re sorry to see you go.

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