[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event Tonight** ESN - Summer Beachside party

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Sa Jun 24 16:35:15 CEST 2023

Hey my dear international student,

tonight: Summer Beachside party!

Midsummer is approaching. Traditionally coming from nordic countries, it celebrates the longest day of summer.
We will gather at a calm spot of the beach of a lake close to the FU, tune up some music, do some traditional rituals and celebrate the warmest season on this amazing summer evening. There are some few spots left to register (location visible as soon as you register), so be quick if you wanna join and spend a wonderful evening alongside a lake! 🎉🥳🥳

Where: Krumme Lanke ,
When: 24.06., tonight
What time: 8pm
What to Bring: Food, Drinks, Instruments and blankets
What to wear( If you have):  bright closes like beige, White, pastelcolours and flower growns 🌸
We will do some funny rituals, with music and fairy lights to enjoy the magical night together🙆🏻‍♀

Register here for the event: https://berlin.esn.world/events/27a67052-efbc-4617-afd1-2ac2157a45a5

Can't wait to see you, feel free to bring your international fellow students with you with no regard at what university of Berlin they are at. Being in the FU is not a requirement!:)
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