[Int. Club der FU] European Parliament election 2019

"Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin" International.Club at fu-berlin.de
Fr Mai 3 10:07:54 CEST 2019

Dear members and friends of the International Club,

we would like to remind all of the EU-citizens among you that the EU
election is going to take place between the 23rd and 26th May 2019.

You can find more information about how to vote from abroad in the
document attached to this mail. Please notice the deadline (5th May - very
soon!) for the registration.

On that note, we have three events concerning Europe in cooperation with the
International Office:

1. European Culture Evening (9th May): Ehrenbergstr. 26/28 from 6 pm onwards

2. Demonstration "One Europe for All" (19th May): Meeting point
Dircksenstr./Karl-Liebknecht-Str. at 11.45 am

3. European Elections Champagne Meeting (22nd May): Iltistr. 4 (SSC,
Dahlem), 4-6 pm

Have a nice weekend!
Your International Club

Teamleitung des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28
Raum 202
14195 Berlin

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