[Stellenangebote] MS Student in Computational Biology at Charite Berlin
Perez, Kevin
kevin.perez at charite.de
So Jan 26 21:41:15 CET 2025
The Institute of Experimental Endocrinology (Prof. Michael Ristow) and its Junior Research Group (Dr. Kevin Perez) at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Campus Mitte) are looking for a MS Student in Computational Biology. Our aging research group is interested in identifying therapeutics to extend lifespan, prevent age-related diseases and frailty in humans. For this we leverage public biobanks to identify existing drugs associated with lower mortality in the general population, before validating their effect on lifespan and health-span in model organisms (worms, flies and mice).
Several MS projects are open for computational students in the lab.
- The first is an extension of our recent publication on the association between medications and lower mortality in the general population (PMID: 39364726). In collaboration with Prof. Andrea Ganna, Helsinki, Finland.
- The second involves building image detection algorithms for the recognition of model organisms from microscopy images of worms and flies.
- The third is planning to use metabolic models (flux balance analysis) to predict which metabolites or genes can reverse the aging transcriptome. In collaboration with Prof. Christoph Kaleta, Kiel, Germany.
The main responsibilities of the candidate include:
- Conducting epidemiology studies using biobanks to identify medications associated with mortality in the general population
- Building image detection algorithms (YOLO) for microscopy images of model organisms including worms and flies
- Manipulate metabolic networks models like WormPaths or iCEL1314 to identify anti-aging interventions in worms
- Currently enrolled in a Master’s degree in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Science or related field
- Data analysis in R, Python
- Image segmentation (YOLO)
- Epidemiology, statistics, survival models
- Biological modeling, Matlab
For further information, please contact Dr. Kevin Perez – kevin.perez at charite.de<mailto:kevin.perez at charite.de>
<mailto:kevin.perez at charite.de>Possibilities for unpaid internships or paid student jobs, to be discussed.
Website: https://expendo.charite.de/en/group_kevin_perez
Kevin Perez
Junior Group Leader
Institute of Experimental Endocrinology
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
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