[Stellenangebote] Research Associate Data Science and AI for Speech and Audio Signal Processing § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG, Universität Hamburg

Frauenbeauftragte MI frauenbeauftragte at mi.fu-berlin.de
Do Jan 2 11:45:57 CET 2025

Liebes Team,


ich bitte um Kenntnisnahme des Stellenangebotes.


Vielen Dank im Voraus.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Sera Renée Zentiks


Freie Universität Berlin

FB Mathematik/Informatik

- dezentrale Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte -

Arnimallee 14

14195 Berlin




Von: Frauen-inform <frauen-inform-bounces at informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Im Auftrag von Inf, SP-Office via Frauen-inform
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024 11:22
An: frauen-inform at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Cc: Inf, SP-Office <sp-office.inf at uni-hamburg.de>; Gerkmann, Prof. Dr. Timo Florian <timo.gerkmann at uni-hamburg.de>; Scharfenberg, Tim <tim.scharfenberg at uni-hamburg.de>
Betreff: [Frauen-inform] Stellenangebot 397 von der Universität Hamburg - FB Informatik


Liebe Interessierte, 


anliegend senden wir Ihnen ein Stellenangebot der Universität Hamburg aus dem Fachbereich Informatik, Arbeitsbereich Signal Processing bei Prof. Timo Gerkmann, mit der Bitte um Beachtung.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i.A. Stephanie Schulte-Hemming


 <https://www.uni-hamburg.de/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=b522dc93eb6b5b1c32158c1182695519c5c0186b> Link zur Ausschreibung



Research Associate Data Science and AI for Speech and Audio Signal Processing § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Institution: Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Working Group Signal Processing (SP)

Salary level:  <https://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/c/t/rechner/tv-l/allg?id=tv-l-2024&matrix=1> EGR. 13 TV-L / EGR. 14 TV-L

Start date: as soon as possible, fixed for a period of 14 months (This is a fixed-term contract in accordance with Section 2 of the academic fixed-term labor contract act [Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG]).

Application deadline:13.01.2025

Scope of work: full-time position suitable for part-time

Your responsibilities

Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The Signal Processing (SP) research group of the University of Hamburg,  <https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/sp/home.html> http://uhh.de/inf-sp is known for cutting-edge research on Statistical Signal Processing and Machine Learning for speech signals. Applications include assistive listening devices (earbuds, hearing aids, cochlear implants), voice-controlled assistants (smart speakers, smart phones, robots), and virtual meetings. The specific duties of the research associate are

*	research on novel data science and artificial intelligence methods applied to speech signals
*	the participation in the acquisition and scientific supervision of third-party funded projects
*	publication and dissemination of scientific results
*	support and assistance with organizational and administrative tasks during the start-up phase of the new study program “Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”
*	the position includes the responsibility to teach 4 hours/week (4 LVS) in the computer science department

Your profile

A university degree in a relevant field.

A doctoral degree is required to be completed or at least in is final state. An academic degree like a master's degree is required. Examples are Computer Science, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Electrical Engineering. Good knowledge of and experience with modern machine learning techniques is required as well as good programming skills in Python or similar. Knowledge of speech processing and statistics is strongly requested. Fluent English, spoken and written, and good communication skills are mandatory. Knowledge of German is helpful; we expect the willingness to learn German for non-native German speakers.

We offer

*	Reliable remuneration based on wage agreements
*	Continuing education opportunities
*	University pensions
*	Attractive location
*	Flexible working hours
*	Work-life balance opportunities
*	Health management, EGYM Wellpass
*	Educational leave
*	30 days of vacation per annum

Universität Hamburg—University of Excellence is one of the strongest research educational institutions in Germany. Our work in research, teaching, educational and knowledge exchange activities is fostering the next generation of responsible global citizens ready to tackle the global challenges facing us. Our guiding principle “Innovating and Cooperating for a Sustainable Future in a digital age” drives collaboration with academic and nonacademic partner institutions in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and around the world. We would like to invite you to be part of our community to work with us in creating sustainable and digital change for a dynamic and pluralist society.

The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg promotes equal opportunity. As women are currently underrepresented in this job category at the University of Hamburg according to the evaluation conducted under the Hamburg act on gender equality (Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz, HambGleiG), we encourage women to apply for this position. Equally qualified and suitable female applicants will receive preference.

Severely disabled and disabled applicants with the same status will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

Instructions for applying


Prof. Timo Gerkmann

 <mailto:timo.gerkmann at uni-hamburg.de> timo.gerkmann at uni-hamburg.de

 <tel:4940428832438> +49 40 42883-2438

Stephanie Schulte-Hemming

 <mailto:stephanie.schulte.hemming at uni-hamburg.de> stephanie.schulte.hemming at uni-hamburg.de

 <tel:4940428832014> +49 40 42883-2014

Reference number



Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
22527 Hamburg
Zu Google Maps <https://maps.google.de/maps/place/Vogt-Kölln-Straße+30,+22527+Hamburg> 

Application deadline


Use only the online application form to submit your application with the following documents:

*	cover letter
*	CV
*	copies of degree certificate(s)

If you experience technical problems, send an email to  <mailto:bewerbungen at uni-hamburg.de> bewerbungen at uni-hamburg.de.

More information on  <https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/stellenangebote/datenschutz.html> data protection in selection procedures.


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