[Stellenangebote] Teilzeit-Job: Stud. Hilfskraft (20h/w), C/C++ Developer, Part-Time-Scientists GmbH, Berlin

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
So Jul 2 13:20:12 CEST 2017

Job announcement:

Unique opportunity for talented C/C++ developer

Hell yeah, it's rocket science!
Do you write code that is out of this world? Do you think there's more to
life than building corporate mobile apps? Want to see your code in use on
the Moon? Then we might have just the job for you! PTScientists is a
Berlin-based space company with plans to land the first private mission on
the Moon. We are adding to our rapidly expanding team and we have an
opening for a talented C/C++ developer to help us build applications for
our Audi lunar quattro Moon rovers and our lunar landing module.

Your qualities:
We're especially interested in people with experience of embedded C/C++
programming and realtime operating systems. If that sounds like you,
please get in touch with us!

Our conditions:
We need someone who is able to commit to working at least 20 hours/week.
You should live in Berlin or the surrounding area, as our office is based
in Berlin-Marzahn. The salary is negotiable and dependent on your skills
and experience.

Send us your CV and salary expectations to
jobs at ptscientists.com<mailto:jobs at ptscientists.com>. Please mention the
reference code AP#SW003 in your application.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Job Announcement: http://bit.ly/ptsJobs

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M:         +49 178 8552758<tel:+49%20174%20454%201268>
S:           "Part-Time-Scientists"
E:           svenpr at ptscientists.com<mailto:svenpr at ptscientists.com>
Part-Time-Scientists GmbH
HRB: 125634 | Seat: Berlin
Maerkische Allee 82A-84A, 12681, Berlin, Germany

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