[Stellenangebote] Teilzeit-Job: Werkstudent (w/m), Java-Programmierer, Acrolinx GmbH, Berlin

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fr Feb 17 04:21:20 CET 2017

Help the Acrolinx engin­eer­ing team to cre­ate a soft­ware product
for the world’s largest com­pan­ies.

Work­ing field:
The engin­eer­ing team devel­ops the Acrolinx soft­ware. We have
spe­cial­ists in nat­ural lan­guage pro­cessing, lin­guist­ics, and
machine learn­ing. While a large part of our soft­ware is writ­ten in
Java, we’re using many pro­gram­ming lan­guages like JavaS­cript,
Python, C#, and Clo­jure.
We’re look­ing for a work­ing stu­dent to sup­port us. You’ll work on
your own pro­jects. If suc­cess­ful, your code will be integ­rated
into Acrolinx and released to our cus­tomer base.

- Stu­dent of com­puter sci­ences or sim­ilar
- Good know­ledge of Java
- Know­ledge of HTML/CSS/JavaS­cript
- Addi­tional pro­gram­ming lan­guages a plus
- Inde­pend­ent work­ing style
- Avail­able for at least 6 months

What we of­fer:
- Inter­na­tional team
- Highly innov­at­ive tech­no­logy
- Oppor­tun­ity to cre­ate something that is used by large
inter­na­tional cus­tom­ers like Google, IBM, and Face­book
- Office in cen­ter of Ber­lin, eas­ily access­ible
- Flex­ible work­time

Details: https://stellenticket.fu-berlin.de/de/offers/31634/

About Acro­linx GmbH:
Chances are, you’ve read some text today that Acrolinx soft­ware
helped to shape.
The core of our product is a lin­guistic engine, which ana­lyzes
writ­ten text and guides our cus­tom­ers to write with the right style
and the right level of clar­ity. Acrolinx does this for Eng­lish,
Ger­man, Swedish, Japan­ese, and Chinese. This com­bin­a­tion makes us
unique world­wide. Just take a look at our list of happy cus­tom­ers,
which include Google, Face­book, Microsoft, IBM, and Adobe. We also
have cus­tom­ers of com­par­able size and impact in other indus­tries
such as the health­care, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and auto­mot­ive

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