[Stellenangebote] Teilzeit-Job: Stud. Hilfskraft (40h/m), Implementation of innovative communication and controlling algorithms, Heisenberg C&I Theory Group, FU Berlin
Marcus Edel
marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mi Aug 9 23:56:14 CEST 2017
We are offering a part-time Student Position in Berlin
Scope: Implementation of innovative communication and controlling
algorithms (40h/month)
Employer: Heisenberg Communications and Information Theory Group
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Starting: June 2017 (01.06.2017)
Job description
The group is offering a part-time Position or Student Position (40h/month)
to support the running project "Model-Predictive Cyber-Physical
Networking“ within the priority program SPP 1914 Cyber-Physical Networking
(CPN). The main goal of the project is to combine latest theoretic results
from the fields of control-theory (especially distributed model predictive
control (MPC)) and communication-theory (especially queuing theory), and
thus develop a new mathematical framework for network-linked controllers.
The research therefore also includes a strong focus on mathematical
prediction theory. The prospective student will implement wireless and
plant control algorithms based on MPC in Matlab or similar.
Applicants must have two completed university semesters, and be eligible
for a student position at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Above average grades in modules concerning mathematics and informatics are
advisable. Since the project aims at combining aspects of control-theory
and communication-theory, any further knowledge or interest in these
disciplines will help the applicant to understand the underlying
motivations and is consequently very much appreciated.
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