[Stellenangebote] Teilzeit-Job: Stud. Hilfskraft (41h/m), Webdesign und Webentwicklung - Projekt Ideas2Market, Arbeitsgruppe Human-Centered Computing, FU Berlin
Marcus Edel
marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mi Aug 2 15:17:10 CEST 2017
The HCC laboratory, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany, in the context of
the 'IdeasToMaket project', has one open student-assistant position in
computer science.
Candidates should send a CV to clmb at inf.fu-berlin.de and
abderrahmane.khiat at fu-berlin.de; no later than August, 14th 2017.
More details available below, and/or available at this link:
Best Regards,
Abderrahmane Khiat
Job Offers for Student Assistants
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Informatik
Human-Centered Computing
student assistant (41 h/month)
limited to 31.08.2019
reference code: SHK3-I2M
The Human-Centered Computing Lab (hcc.mi.fu-berlin.de) is an
interdisciplinary research group at the Institute of Computer Science at
FU Berlin, researching the field of distributed socio-technical systems by
interlinking semantic technologies with collective intelligence.
Particular focus is placed on intuitively actionable human-computer
interfaces. Projects are developed in the areas of Knowledge Transfer,
E-Research and Knowledge Communities. The HCC supports Open Source
Software, Open Science and the free access to knowledge.
This long-term position is attached to "IdeasToMarket" Project, which
seeks to enhance collaboratively the idea generation process based on
information exploration. Then the promising ideas will be visualized on
touchscreen table in order to develop their commercialization options.
In this position, you will support the project and the research group in
the development of data processing and web development solutions.
Job description:
Support the development of a data processing such Natural Language
Processing, Machine Learning, Indexation Techniques, Web Development;
Support in the academic research (e.g. literature review).
Two completed university semesters in informatics; required knowledge;
natural Language Processing (German Language); semantic Web (Ontologies,
OWL, RDF, Linked Data, triple stores, linked data); machine Learning and
Indexation Techniques; experience in Java programming and Web Development
(Spring Boot, REST); good knowledge of English; preference and wishes;
experience in academic research; experience in JavaScript Frameworks; very
good written communication skills; experience with working in Open Source
All materials quoting the reference code should be addressed no later than
August, 14th 2017
as an e-mail to clmb at inf.fu-berlin.de, abderrahmane.khiat at fu-berlin.de
or to
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Informatik
Frau Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn
Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
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