[Stellenangebote] Kurzzeitjob Di abend, European Tech's Big Night Out, Postbahnhof
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mo Jan 21 15:40:57 CET 2013
Interessanter Freiwilligenjob.
From: Katie Smith [mailto:katie at websummit.net]
Sent: Montag, 21. Januar 2013 10:50
To: studiendekan at mi.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Europas tech awards- volunteers sought
Dear Prof.Prechelt
As you may be aware, the Europas (European Tech's Big Night Out) is taking
place tomorrow in Berlin.
The event is turning out to be bigger than anticipated so we're looking for
some bright young tech enthusiasts to volunteer at the event and thought
some of your students may fit this bill. It's a great opportunity to get to
be a part of the event, while gaining some valuable experience and making
some important connections with exciting start-ups, investors and the media.
The main role of the volunteers is to be a staff presence; no hard graft
will be needed. Volunteers will be fed for the day and will receive a free
pass for the after party.
Volunteers would need to work from 4pm-11pm on 22nd January at the
If interested please email me back on this adress or phone +353879698130
<tel:%2B353879698130> .
It would be great if you could forward this email on to your students.
Kind Regards,
Katie Smith (Web Summit)
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