[Stellenangebote] The Virtual Brain - Abschlussarbeit / Stellenangebot

Michael Schirner m.schirner at fu-berlin.de
Mo Apr 15 12:16:23 CEST 2013

Student assistant position / Master thesis project /Lab Rotation
‚The Virtual Brain’ in Berlin

Contact: PD Dr. Petra Ritter, petra.ritter at charite.de

The Virtual Brain (thevirtualbrain.org) is the first open
neuroinformatics platform that enables simulation of full-brain
activity. TVB can be accessed through a convenient GUI in a browser
window, but also provides a scripting interface, and runs on standard
hardware. Thereby, it enables clinical and basic research groups to
explore the behavior of individual brain activity on the basis of the
anatomical and functional data of individual subjects. Among a wide
range of applications, this enables to study dynamics resulting from
different brain structures or the impact of pharmaceutical or surgical
interventions. To make the platform accessible to researchers from a
wide variety of backgrounds, TVB will contain an educational component
that allows a quick induction in theoretical or technical aspects of the
modeling environment.

Relevant skills required:
- excellent programming skills (in particular Python)
- the ability for didactic preparation of complex mathematical issues

We offer the possibility for a student assistant salary on the basis of
a 40h/month contract.

Starting date: April/May/June 2013

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