[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** Tempelhofer Feld Hangout this Friday

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Di Mai 16 10:03:34 CEST 2023

Hello guys,

we are inviting all of you to come hang out at Tempelhofer Feld this Friday from 4.30 pm!🍻😍 (We'll be there until the evening though, you can also just join later ofc)

We are just going to hang out, eat snacks, drink some beers and maybe play some ball games etc.. We'll also have a Flunkyball (Bierball) tournement, a German drinking game (you can join in without having a drink of course). 😊 We'll bring some beers for you, but feel free to also bring your own snacks, drinks, maybe a blanket.. and bring a warm jacket it might get a bit chilly!!

We will be meeting here, where the flag "stands", its next to a basketball court and next to a sign.. if you have struggle finding the group, feel free to give me a call: +49 1575 3887713!

Looking forward to seeing all of you on Friday

Best wishes

Your International Club team
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