[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event* Saturday 8 July - Staatsoper für alle - live
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
Di Jul 4 17:52:31 CEST 2023
Dear friends of the opera,
let's go together to see and listen Verdi's Don Carlo open air in front of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. We'll have a pick-nick on this warm summer evening and chill.
This event is free. No payment/registration required.
We're meeting Saturday 8 July at 6pm in front of the big monument "Reiterstandbild Friedrichs des Großen" right next to Staatsoper unter den Linden. It's a guy on a big hourse in the middle of the street. You can't miss it.😉
The opera starts at 7pm but we have to be there before in order to get a good place to sit and get to know each other.
Please bring:
A blanket, cushions, small chair to sit on.
Some drinks, snacks.
Small game to play if you got one.
Clothing according to the weather (the forecast looks very warm but please check before you leave the house).😉
Our WhatsApp group of this event:
Looking forward to see you there!
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