[Int. Club der FU] This Thursday: Get together Celebrate Berlin - for international students
Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin
club at international.fu-berlin.de
Di Jul 4 17:27:07 CEST 2023
Celebrate Berlin – Island of Sun
Thu, 06 July 2023
7 PM to 10 PM
Hardenbergstr. 35 / close to Zoologischer Garten / Ernst-Reuter Platz
Celebrate Berlin will be this summer again a mix of fair and mini-festival. We want to create a space for exchange, connecting students through culture and celebrating together. You can look forward to great offers such as first-class live music and performances by student artists - choir, DJ and bands - as well as a button machine and drawing station, an interactive listening tent and lots more…
We will charge a voluntary fee of 4€ for the event, which can be paid in cash at the entrance. This will get you your Celebrate Festival wristband and you can enjoy the evening in all its facets. A binding registration for the event is only possible for students. More info and registration:
See you there!
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