[Int. Club der FU] Tempelhofer Feld Hangout tomorrow

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Sa Apr 8 20:18:03 CEST 2023

Hi guys!

As the weather is nice, we are having a hangout/picknick at Tempelhofer Park from 2 pm tomorrow! As usual open for everyone - international and German students.😊 Bring some snacks and drinks - and join us there! We will be meeting next to the Basketball court, in the spot you can see on this map:[cid:ddc58da3-b9aa-4880-823e-60ef6acafdd9]In case you have trouble finding us, call +41 79863 7466.

Best wishes and Happy Easter!!

Your International Club team
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