[Int. Club der FU] Pumpkin carving
"Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin"
International.Club at fu-berlin.de
So Okt 24 21:34:43 CEST 2021
Dear members and friends of the International Club,
spooky season is on and we'd like to get into the Halloween mood with you.
Therefore we plan to create jack o' lanterns on the 27th october, at 6.30
pm. We will charge 3€ to provide the pumpkins and the tools. The creative
part is up to you.
If you want to participate, please use the following link until monday 8
pm to register: https://forms.gle/rztBEbXuzTnwyPFY8
Please note, that if we receive more registrations than we have spots for,
we will draw lots. You will be informed if you got a spot :-) In
this case, we will also give you the name and address of the bar in the
In case you got a spot but can't make it, let us know so that we can give
the spot to another student.
IMPORTANT: Please provide a certificate of your completed vaccination
(Biontech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson), of your
recovery (last 6 months) or a negative Corona test dating to the 27th
October along with an ID card.
Stay spooky 🎃,
Your International Club
Teamleitung des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28
Raum 202
14195 Berlin
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