[Int. Club der FU] Guided city tours through Kreuzberg and Neukölln
"Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin"
International.Club at fu-berlin.de
Fr Okt 9 10:18:55 CEST 2020
Dear members and friends of the International Club,
We will offer two guided city tours through the districts Kreuzberg (in
English) and Neukölln (in German) by two refugees.
Berlin would be inconceivable without migration, without the diversity of
identities and lifestyles. The city tours are led by people who themselves
have a history of migration. They invite you to change your perspective:
Which places facilitate the arrival in a foreign city? What does the
situation in Görlitzer Park have to do with the European asylum system?
And why does the Sonnenallee feel a bit like the streets of Damaskus
before the war?
Within two hours, we will see more of Kreuzberg and Neukölln and learn
about how these neighborhoods are related to people with migrant
background who have influenced the face and lifestyle of these districts.
When? Saturday, 17th October, 3 pm
Duration? 2h
Price? 2€
If you are interested in the English-guided tour, please register until
Sunday, 12 pm, via:
If you are interested in the German-guided tour, please register until
Sunday, 12 pm, via:
If we receive more registrations than we have spots for, we will have to
draw lots. You will be informed via mail if you got a spot and receive
more information about the exact meeting point.
IMPORTANT: Do not join our events if you display any symptoms associated
with the Coronavirus disease!
See you soon and stay healthy! :-)
Your International Club
Teamleitung des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28
Raum 202
14195 Berlin
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