[Int. Club der FU] Fwd: Free Places for our Trip to Stettin Tomorrow!

T. Zimmermann tyczim at gmail.com
Fr Nov 3 16:47:33 CET 2017

Dear friends and members of the International Club,

Do to a change in train schedule we had to charter a private bus for our
trip to Stettin tomorrow. Fortunately there are still a number of free
seats on the bus, so if you want you can join us tomorrow!

We will meet up tomorrow at 7:30 at the train station Berlin Lichtenberg
(Taxi waiting place) https://goo.gl/maps/SiguzDh7g652.

Since we can't guarantee a place on the guided tours of the bunker museum
and the city walking tour we will reduce the price to 10€ for you. You can
still visit the bunker museum but you might have to join one of the public

Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to join us.

Best regards

International Club Volunteer
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