[Int. Club der FU] Invitation to the Board Game Evening this Tuesday at 18:00 o'clock
T. Zimmermann
tyczim at gmail.com
So Apr 23 13:13:31 CEST 2017
Dear members and friends of the International Club,
We would like to invite you to our first ever *Board Game Evening!*
Meet new friends and have fun in a relaxed setting,
bring your own game or try a new one. Scrabble, Monopoly, Risk, Backgammon,
Taboo, Checkers or Chess? You decide...
We will meet on *Tuesday, the 25th of May*
at *18:00 o'clock*
at the club headquarters at* Ehrenbergstr. 26/28*
There will be snacks and beverages provided, so come as you are.
To better help us plan the event please fill out our questionnaire:
We're looking forward to seeing you! :-)
Tycho and the team of volunteers at the International Club
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