[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie] 23rd Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society 2015 - Invitation and Call for Abstracts
Prof. Ralf Ficner
dgk-conference at conventus.de
Di Okt 14 13:47:29 CEST 2014
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Link: Registration https://mi.conventus.de/online/dgk-conference2015.do
Link: Abstract Submission http://dgk2015.abstract-management.de/
Link: Call for Abstract flyer http://www.dgk-conference.de/fileadmin/_newsletter/DGK2015_CfA_4-Seiter__3_.pdf (PDF)
23rd Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society - 16 - 19 March 2015 in Göttingen
Invitation and Call for Abstracts
Dear colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 23rd Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society scheduled from 16 - 19 March 2015 at the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.
An international and national delegation of renowned scientists, will present and discuss the following topics:
- Advanced methods in crystallography
- Theoretical and computational crystallography
- Crystallography …
in materials sciences
in health and life sciences
in earth sciences and environment
We kindly request your active support by submitting your scientific contributions to our abstract topics.
Please find the Call for Abstracts Flyer here http://www.dgk-conference.de/fileadmin/_newsletter/DGK2015_CfA_4-Seiter__3_.pdf (PDF).
Abstracts should be submitted in English and online by 11 December 2014.
Please click here http://dgk2015.abstract-management.de/ to submit your abstract.
Up-to-date and any necessary information regarding scientific topics and organizational remarks can be found on our conference website www.dgk-conference.de.
In addition, registration forms for the online registration are also available on the conference website. Please click here https://mi.conventus.de/online/dgk-conference2015.do for online registration.
If you have further questions please contact the organizing agency Conventus via phone +49 3641 31 16-301 or email via dgk-conference at conventus.de.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Göttingen!
Ralf Ficner
Conference Chair
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Felix Angermüller
Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena
Telephone: +49 3641 3116-301
Telefax: +49 3641 3116-243
E-Mail: dgk-conference at conventus.de
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