[DGK Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie] HERCULES 2015: Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Science - registration deadline 15th October
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Vincent.Favre-Nicolin at cea.fr
Fr Okt 3 10:07:23 CEST 2014
*/25 years of Neutron and Synchrotron Science/*
/*http://hercules-school.eu */
/*Download the Hercules 2015 poster
/*Registration is open !*/
The 1-month school provides training for students, post-doctoral and
senior scientists from European and non-European universities and
laboratories, in the field of *Neutron* and *Synchrotron* Radiation for
condensed matter studies (*Biology*, *Chemistry*, *Physics*, *Materials
Science*, *Geosciences*, *Industrial applications*).
March 1st to April 1st
*Registration Deadline: *
*October 15th 2014
/*Common part : Basic Methods & Instrumentation*/
Interaction of X-rays and neutrons with matter (absorption, elastic and
inelastic interactions, ...), sources, detectors, optics, techniques
(diffraction, scattering, spectroscopy, imaging, ...), crystallography..
*Session A :Applications to Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter*
* Neutron and X-ray (and UV and IR) spectroscopies
* X-ray reflectivity and diffraction of nano systems
* Single crystal and powder diffraction
* Coherent imaging and tomography
* Neutron and X-ray magnetic scattering
* Polarized X-rays and neutrons
* FEL and ultra fast X-ray science
* ...
*Session B : Applications to Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics*
* Protein structure and dynamics
* Studies in solutions
* Partially ordered systems
* Membranes, fibres and muscles
* Crystallography of viruses and ribosomes
* Structural genomics
* Biomedical applications (imaging, therapy)
* Time-resolved and ultra-fast X-ray science
* Biology with 4th generation sources
* ...
Full list of lectures
Hercules 2014 booklet
*Practicals*will take place at:
© HERCULES hercules at hercules-school.eu <mailto:hercules at hercules-school.eu>
Maison des Magistères, 25 rue des Martyrs,
BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE
Tél. : +33.(0) - Fax : +33.(0)
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