[Stellenangebote] WG: Bioinformatics PhD positions at FLI

Seyferth, Ulrike Ulrike.Seyferth at fu-berlin.de
Mi Dez 21 10:40:32 CET 2022

Von: Mara Steiger <Mara.Steiger at leibniz-fli.de>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022 18:49
An: bioinf at math.fu-berlin.de
Betreff: Bioinformatics PhD positions at FLI

The Hoffman Lab<https://www.leibniz-fli.de/research/research-groups/hoffmann> at the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena is offering PhD positions<https://jobs.leibniz-fli.de/jobposting/56afdd5b9e4fc1090d9c1a1c752e6de3917969130?ref=homepage> in the field of computational biology/bioinformatics. It is an amazing group offering an interdisciplinary and highly flexible working environment. Their research focuses on mechanisms of epigenetic regulation during aging, in health and disease. Please also see attached PDF.

Applications are to be submitted through the Leibniz Graduate School on Aging and Age-Related Diseases (LGSA). Check the Application Guidelines<https://lgsa.leibniz-fli.de/application/application-guideline> and their FAQ<https://lgsa.leibniz-fli.de/application/faq> for further information.

The application deadline is January 31st, 2023.

Best regards,
Mara Steiger


Mara Steiger
Computational Biology
Hoffmann Lab

Email:  mara.steiger at leibniz-fli.de<mailto:mara.steiger at leibniz-fli.de>
WWW: http://www.leibniz-fli.de

Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstraße 11
07745 Jena, Germany

Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordheim
Administrative Director:  Dr. Daniele Barthel
Chairman of the Board of Trustees:  Burkhard Zinner
Register of Associations: No. 230296 at Amtsgericht Jena
VAT No.: DE 153 925 464 | Tax number: 162/141/08228

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Dateiname   : 2241 - LGSA - PhD candidates - Computational Biology - Hoffmann Research Group (mwd)  Leibniz-In.pdf
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Beschreibung: 2241 - LGSA - PhD candidates - Computational Biology - Hoffmann Research Group (mwd)  Leibniz-In.pdf
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