[Stellenangebote] PhD student position in Bioinformatics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin Mitte

compcancer compcancer at charite.de
Mo Aug 9 09:18:54 CEST 2021

We are looking for an excellent candidate for a PhD student position in bioinformatics with Prof. Christine Sers at the Institute for Pathology of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The PhD student will be part of the CompCancer Research Training Group (RTG2424, funded by DFG), which focuses on cancer research.
The application deadline for this 75% position (29,25 h/week, salary according to E13 TVöD VKA-K) is 31.08.2021.
Further information:

Job offer at Charité portal: https://www.charite.de/service/stellenangebot/angebot/detailinfo/dm17821b_phd_student_position_for_bioinformatics/

Group of Prof. Christine Sers: https://pathologie-ccm.charite.de/en/research/research_groups/research_group_sers_molecular_tumor_pathology/

CompCancer Research Training Group: www.comp-cancer.de

Best wishes,
Pamela Riemer

RTG2424 CompCancer
Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin

Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Nils Blüthgen

Programme coordinator
Dr. Pamela Riemer
Institute for Pathology
Charitéplatz 1
D 10117 Berlin

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