[Int. Club der FU] **NEXT EVENT** Visit to Zeiss-Grossplanetarium

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
So Mär 12 22:55:26 CET 2023

Hello everyone,

Do you want to leave earth for a bit and gaze into space with us?✨🪐

On March 24th at 8 pm we are attending the Starry-Night Event at Zeiss-Grossplanetarium - one of the largest planetariums in Europe. You can find aaall the info on the showing we will be attending here: https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/starry-night It will be in English language!

We will be meeting at the entrance of the Zeiss-Grossplanetarium at 7.30 pm. :)

!! Please sign up here for the event: https://forms.gle/4oALjYbtpUMY3viJ9

There are limited spots! To reserve a spot, you have to pay for your ticket beforehand. Please send 2 € to kiramertmann at t-online.de on Paypal. Thank you!

If you have no way to pay via Paypal, we will also have an Office Hourse at Ehrenbergstr. 26/28 where you can pay in cash! :) It will be held on Thursday 16th from 3-4 pm.

Excited to see you there,

Kira from the International Club

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