[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** FU Campus Run 2023 and FU Summer Party

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Mo Jun 12 22:16:12 CEST 2023

Dear Sports fans,

Who wants to join us running at this year’s Freie Universität Campus Run Thursday, 29.06.2023? You can choose your distance of 5km, 7.5km or 10km. Afterwards we’ll hang out at the FU summer party with music, food, drinks, etc. until evening.
We will meet at 16:30 in front of the ZEDAT building, Fabeckstr. 32, 14195 Berlin. Running starts at 17:15.
Start your running training now! 😉

For more information:


IMPORTANT: To register please use our team name: International Club FU Berlin
This way we will all be in one team.

Please register here:


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