[Int. Club der FU] **Next Event** Spreewald Daytrip

Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin club at international.fu-berlin.de
Do Jun 8 21:39:31 CEST 2023

Hello everybody,

After a long time, we are happy to offer another day trip this semester.
We would like to go to the Spreewald (Lübbenau) with you on a daytrip!
 The Spreewald ("Spree forest") is a landscape in Brandenburg with a large area full of channels that connect different cities and villages, which can be reached only by boat. Due to its unique flora and fauna, the Spreewald is a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Furthermore, it is the home of the Sorbian culture. We are going to explore the Spreewald by a traditional boat with you!

When? Sunday,  25.06.2023, 9 am

Where? Spreewald (Lübbenau)

Price? 12€ - includes boat trip in Lübbenau and train ticket to get there - payment in advance is necessary!

We will get to the Spreewald with the train, so please let us know if you have a Deutschland Ticket.
You can get a Deutschland Ticket here:

Interested? Please register via


If we receive more registrations than we can handle, we will draw lots, i.e. randomly select people. You will be informed via an email.

Take care.

Philipp of the International Club FU Berlin

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