[Int. Club der FU] *Next Event* Bar Night next Wednesday the 25th

"Internationaler Club der Freien Universität Berlin" International.Club at fu-berlin.de
Sa Jan 21 10:18:14 CET 2023

Dear friends and members of the International Club,

to take our mind off of the upcoming exam period, we decided to have a bar
night open to all international and German students next week! :)

We will be meeting at a bar in Kreuzberg next Wednesday, the 25th from 8 pm!

As we have reserved a limited number of tables, we'd like to ask you to
sign up here, if you'd like to join: https://forms.gle/go9ZTtAihuvcH4rq6

If we receive more registrations than we have spots for, we will draw
lots.. We will let you know the name and address of the bar once you get a

We are really looking forward to seeing you there. :)

Best wishes,

Your International Club

Teamleitung des Internationalen Clubs
der Freien Universität Berlin
Ehrenbergstr. 26/28
14195 Berlin
Raum 202
IG: @intclub_fuberlin

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