[fli4l] mutually beneficial partnership

jhkim at unione.co.kr jhkim at unione.co.kr
Sa Mär 10 03:12:22 CET 2012

This is Vlad writing. I am Russian. Let me offer you a partnership to get 
supplementary income. I got to know to legally earn money but I am not able 
do it alone. I won.t ask you for credit cards, banking details or any money 
investments. I only need an assistant. I will manage the most significant 
part of the job. You will just become my specimen within Europe. I can 
guarantee the protection and legitimacy of this partnership. In case you are 
interested I am happy to explain you everything in smallest details and 
answer to your questions.

My private E-Mail is vladislav.sedof at rambler.ru

Looking forward to your E-mail.
Truly yours, Vlad Sedov

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