[Stellenangebote] Stellenangebot PhD/Postdoc Computational Pediatric Oncology in Hamburg
Michael Bockmayr
m.bockmayr at uke.de
Mi Jan 29 11:20:52 CET 2025
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
wir suchen eine:n wissenschaftliche:n Angestellte:n (PhD/Postdoc, E13
100%) im Bereich /Computational Pediatric Oncology/ in Hamburg (
https://www.uke.jobs/index.php?ac=jobad&id=4047 )/. /Bei Rückfragen
stehe ich gern zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße
Michael Bockmayr
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Bockmayr MASt
Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Klinik für Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie
bAIome - Center for Biomedical AI
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Forschungsinstitut Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg
Gebäude N21, Martinistraße 52, 20246 Hamburg
m.bockmayr at uke.de
*Main tasks*
The Research Institute Children's Cancer Centre at the University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is looking for a highly motivated
research assistant (PhD/Postdoc) in the Computational Pediatric Oncology
working group (headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Bockmayr) starting
01.03.2025. A later start can be accomodated in principle. We actively
support and offer the chance to pursue a PhD alongside the project. The
research group is dedicated to the development of quantitative methods
for pediatric hematology and oncology. You will be involved in an
exciting project in which machine learning methods are used to enable
more accurate predictions of diagnosis, survival and therapy response in
pediatric cancers from high-dimensional omics data, in particular
single-cell sequencing data. Strong individualised support is guaranteed
throughout the entire period. In addition, you can expect a motivated
and dynamic team of physicians, natural scientists, bioinformaticians,
technical assistants and students at the Research Institute, who are
investigating pediatric cancers as part of various projects and with
different approaches.
*Your tasks:*
Development of clinically relevant classification algorithms using
machine learning methods based on high-dimensional omics datasets.
Integration of different molecular data types (genomics,
epigenomics, transcriptomics at bulk and/or single cell level) with
clinical variables
Close collaboration with the experimental research groups at the
Children's Cancer Centre and the clinical study groups
Presentation of research results at international conferences and
publication as first author in recognised journals
This position is to be filled with 100 percent of regular weekly working
hours and is initially limited to three years due to third-party funding.
*Your Profile*
Completed scientific university studies in the field of
bioinformatics, computer science, data science, applied mathematics,
physics, biomedical engineering or another relevant field
Proven programming experience, especially in R or Python, good
knowledge of ML frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow
Excellent knowledge of current machine learning methods
Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate across
Proficiency in written and spoken English; familiarity with German
is a plus but not mandatory
Knowledge of omics data processing and basic molecular biology
methods is a plus but not mandatory
Knowledge of UNIX-based operating systems and version control
software is desirable
We look forward to receiving a detailed application including a letter
of motivation, CV, references, degree certificates, list of attended
courses and, if possible, links to code examples, theses or publications.
Immunity status
Please note that employment is contingent upon proof of immunization or
immunity against the measles virus, in accordance with applicable legal
and medical requirements. Documentation (e.g., vaccination certificate)
must be provided before employment begins.
*Our Offer*
Attractive compensation according to TVöD/VKA
Secure employment with meaningful work and respectful collaboration
Comprehensive onboarding and open knowledge exchange within the team
Extensive training and further education programs at our UKE
Academy for Education and Careers
Opportunities to contribute to our “UKE INside” personnel policy
through cross-professional and cross-hierarchical projects
Sustainable travel: subsidies for the Deutschlandticket as a job
ticket, and Dr. Bike bicycle service
Family-friendly working environment: cooperation on childcare, free
vacation childcare, advice for employees with relatives in need of care
Excellent health, wellness, and sports programs
A wide range of dining options in our staff restaurant, with
additional choices available at the “Health Kitchen” cafés, bistros, and
an on-site supermarket
Contact to the department
Prof. Michael Bockmayr -m.bockmayr at uke.de
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts; Gerichtsstand: Hamburg | www.uke.de
Vorstandsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Christian Gerloff (Vorsitzender), Joachim Prölß, Prof. Dr. Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro, Corinna Wriedt
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