[Stellenangebote] bioinformatics student assistant position (40h/month) in Charite, Berlin

Yuan, Dongsheng dongsheng.yuan at charite.de
Do Nov 28 14:50:48 CET 2024

Dear there,
I hope this email finds you well. I'm Dongsheng, PhD student from Charite. Currently we are looking for a bioinformatics student for an assistant position. Could you please help to spread the hiring information?

Here's the hiring information:

Dear all,
we are looking for a bioinformatics enthusiast to fill a student assistant position (40h/month) in our Molecular Neuro-Oncology lab at the Dept. of Neuropathology (Charité Campus Mitte).
In the context of a global oncology clinical trial on breast cancer molecular diagnostics, tasks include
Analysis of nanopore whole genome sequencing data and DNA methylation analysis
Development of a user-friendly GUI for end-to-end sequence analysis using established analysis pipelines
Remote software deployment and support to study site in Tanzania
Strong communication skills
Experience with GUI frameworks (R/Shiny, Streamlit, Dash or similar)
Proficient use of git, workflow management frameworks (ideally snakemake), R and/or python
If you are interested, please apply by email to Philipp Euskirchen (philipp.euskirchen at charite.de).

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Dongsheng Yuan

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