[Stellenangebote] Student Research Assistant in Excellence Cluster "Science of intelligence" (TU/HU Berlin) | 20h/week | 13, 46 EUR/h | ab 1.5.2024
Max Wolf
max.wolf at igb-berlin.de
Do Apr 18 10:38:46 CEST 2024
Call for Student Research Assistant position TU/HU Berlin
In the context of a research project in the Excellence Cluster “Science of Intelligence” (TU/HU Berlin), we are offering a student assistant position (up to 20 hours/week).
In our research project “From behavioural primitives to intelligent behaviour”, we investigate the development of intelligent behavior, using high resolution behavioral tracking data. We are particularly interested in how behavioral variation arises through development from identical start points, and we employ a unique biological model system, a fully clonal fish species (Amazon molly), that allows us to work with a large number of genetically identical twins. The main research aim is to understand the rules generating individual-level variation through development, and we employ high resolution tracking data to uncover such rules. This involves the organization and analysis of massive amounts of data spanning large amounts of time. We aim to apply sophisticated unsupervised machine learning algorithms to this dataset in order to classify behavioral motifs present in our data.
The specific tasks for the research assistant in the project are:
* Experimental data revision and processing;
* Support in computational model implementation, testing, and large-scale numerical simulations
* Support in building data pipelines for the analysis of big data
We seek for motivated students with strong computer skills with a background in computer science, (bio)physics, (bio)informatics, or related natural or engineering sciences and interest in computational biology and/or biological big data. Applicants should have the corresponding proven skills:
* very good general computer skills (Office, Presentationsoftware)
* very good programming skills (Python, C/C++ or comparable)
* good English skills (oral and written)
Further, previous experience in either of the following areas are strong additional assets:
* Big data analytical tools
* Supercomputing/cluster computing
* Familiarity with some of the following Python libraries: scikitlearn, matplotlib, Numpy, TensorFlow, etc.
* Familiarity with unsupervised machine learning techniques
* GitHub
Please send you application (short motivation letter mentioning also your relevant skills and previous experience, CV, transcript of records) until 30.4.2024 via Email to: Dr. Max Wolf, max.wolf at igb-berlin.de<mailto:max.wolf at igb-berlin.de>
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