[Stellenangebote] Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d) on the Topic of Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (NLP), Universität Hannover

Frauenbeauftragte MI frauenbeauftragte at mi.fu-berlin.de
Di Mai 30 10:33:24 CEST 2023

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Von: Frauen-inform <frauen-inform-bounces at informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Im Auftrag von Milad Alshomary
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Mai 2023 16:19
An: frauen-inform at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Betreff: [Frauen-inform] Job Offer: Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d) on the Topic of Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Dear all,


The Institute of Artificial Intelligence invites applications for the position of a Doctoral or Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) on the topic of Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 100 %) starting at the earliest possible date. The position is limited to a period of three years with the possibility of extension. Tasks: The goal of the offered position is to carry out innovative research that involves NLP, aiming for scientific publications at reputed international venues. The position is part of a collaborative project that explores how to employ AI to best support people in a sustainable and responsible use of resources. 

A focus is on the generation of factual and human-centered explanations, but we encourage the development of own research directions in this context. We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a passion for creativity and learning who seek to make a positive impact through open and independent research in a young team. Your Profile • Completed academic degree (Master or comparable) in computer science, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, or related disciplines • Solid understanding of machine learning with hands-on experience, ideally in the context of NLP • Proficient programming skills in Python • Good scientific writing skills (e.g., shown by a very good master’s thesis) are expected • Strong communication skills in English, both in oral and in written form Our Offer • Creative and innovative work in a diverse and international team • Possibility to obtain a Ph.D. degree or to shape your Postdoc profile • State-of-the-art research facilities, including top-notch computing clusters • Participation in international scientific events and research collaborations • Salary at the level of 100% of salary scale 13 according to the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Länder (TV-L) Contact In case you have questions, please contact Maja Stahl (email: m.stahl(a)ai.uni-hannover.de). Further information about the NLP Group can be found at:  <https://www.ai.uni-hannover.de/en/institute/research-groups/nlp> https://www.ai.uni-hannover.de/en/institute/research-groups/nlp Please submit your application with supporting documents (including CV, full set of transcripts, a brief statement of at most 1 page of why you apply to the NLP Group, and possibly further qualifications) by June 25, 2023 as a single PDF file to office(a)ai.uni-hannover.de (subject: “[ai-nlp] Application”)



Milad Alshomary, M.Sc.

Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing Group

Leibniz University Hannover
Appelstr. 9A
30167 Hannover

m.alshomary at ai.uni-hannover.de <mailto:h.wachsmuth at ai.uni-hannover.de> 
 <https://ai.uni-hannover.de> https://ai.uni-hannover.de


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