[Stellenangebote] Master’s Thesis in Computational Oncology @ Charité
Krieger, Teresa Gabriela
teresa.krieger at charite.de
Di Dez 12 13:25:45 CET 2023
Master’s Thesis in Computational Oncology, Institute of Pathology, Charité Berlin
We are a new computational group at the Institute of Pathology at Charité Berlin, and also associated with the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC). We offer a master’s thesis on:
Mapping gene amplification and tumor morphology in neuroblastoma
Routine histopathology images contain information on tissue architecture which is not fully utilized in current clinical workflows. This project will investigate how increases in the copy number of a tumor gene (important for prognosis and treatment choice) relate to tissue morphology in the childhood cancer neuroblastoma. A detailed project outline is attached.
• Implement a computational method for aligning different images of the same tissue
• Correlate gene copy number to morphological features of tumor areas (e.g. using CNNs)
• Collaborate with a team of researchers at the interface of cancer biology, bioinformatics and machine learning
• Enrolment as a master’s student in computer science, bioinformatics, molecular biology, genetics or a related field
• Proficient in at least one programming language (e.g. Python, R) and experienced in data analysis
• Familiarity with machine learning concepts is highly recommended
Start: By spring 2024
We are looking forward to your application!
Don’t hesitate to contact us:
teresa.krieger at charite.de<mailto:teresa.krieger at charite.de>
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