[Stellenangebote] University assistant predoctoral/Universitätsassistent:in, Universität Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Österreich
Aschbacher, Heidelies Verena
Heidelies.Aschbacher at aau.at
Do Dez 7 07:57:05 CET 2023
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
unten angeführt übermitteln wir Ihnen die Ausschreibung der freien Stelle als „Universitätsassistent:in“ in der Forschungsgruppe Pervasive Computing/Institut für Vernetzte und Eingebettete Systeme an der Universität Klagenfurt. Wir bitten Sie, den beiliegenden Ausschreibungstext für die vakante Stelle zu veröffentlichen. Insbesondere ersuchen wir, mögliche Bewerberinnen auf diese Ausschreibung aufmerksam zu machen! Vielen Dank! Heidelies Aschbacher/Pervasive Computing
The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems at the Faculty of Technical Sciences with an expected starting date of March 1, 2024:
University assistant predoctoral (all genders welcome) (in German: Universitätsassistent:in)
Variant 1:
Level of employment: 75 % (30 hours/week)
Minimum salary: € 34,412 per annum (gross); classification according to collective agreement: B1
Limited to: 4 years
Variant 2:
Level of employment: 100 % (40 hours/week)
Minimum salary: € 45,882.20 per annum (gross); classification according to collective agreement: B1
Limited to: 3 years
Application deadline: January 10, 2024
Reference code: 736/23
Area of responsibility
Independent research with the aim to submit a dissertation and acquire the Ph.D.
Participation in research projects of the research group
Teaching tutorial courses for the degree programmes information and communications engineering and/or robotics and artificial intelligence
Participation in administrative and organisational tasks of the department
Student mentoring
Assistance in public relations activities of department and faculty
Completed Diploma or Master’s studies at a domestic or foreign higher education institution in the field of electrical engineering, information and communications engineering, informatics or related fields. This requirement must be fulfilled two weeks before the starting date at the latest; hence, the last possible deadline for meeting this requirement is February 16, 2024
Experience in two or more of the following fields: camera and sensor networks, drone and robot systems, multi-agent systems, digital circuits and wireless communication
Programming skills in two or more among C/C++, Python, Java, MATLAB and VHDL
Fluent in written and spoken English
Scientific dissemination skills
More details to be found here https://nes.aau.at/?page_id=7117
Vielen Dank!
Heidelies Aschbacher
Office Univ.-Prof. Bernhard Rinner
Pervasive Computing Group
Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems
Universitaet Klagenfurt
Lakeside Park B02b, 9020 Klagenfurt
Voice: (0463) 2700 3670 | nes.aau.at
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