[Stellenangebote] Student opportunity in linux / sci. instrumentation
Nader Amadeu
nader.amadeu at berlin-research.de
Mo Dez 4 19:46:14 CET 2023
Dear friends,
we are searching for students to help us in the development of an
analytical lab instruments.
The main project is improving an already running system for nuclear
magnetic resonance spectrometers.
It is called DAMARIS: http://nmrwiki.org/wiki/index.php?title=DAMARIS
Documentation is till poor, but it is basically composed of 2 hardware
parts: Sender & Receiver.
The software has a backend (C++) and a front-end (python/gtk).
One of the tasks is to migrate from GTK to QT.
But also several other tasks like: upgrading from debian9 to debian12,
hardware programming etc.
We could also offer stud. jobs (HiWi) for students.
We accept also bachelor students.
Could you help us?
Thank you very much!
Attachment: job posting
Dr. Nader de Sousa Amadeu
Solid-State NMR Laboratory
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (bam.de)
Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11
12489, Berlin
F.: 030 8104 5612
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