[Stellenangebote] [Job] Real-time adaptive brain stimulation

Haslacher, David david.haslacher at charite.de
Sa Jun 18 18:46:34 CEST 2022

Dear all,

we are testing a novel form of real-time adaptive (closed-loop) brain stimulation at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, during which a weak current is applied to the scalp. We are searching for study participants. The experiment will take place over the course of two sessions of two hours each. During the stimulation, participants will perform a working memory task and an electroencephalogram (EEG) will be recorded. Participation will be compensated with 10 Euros per hour, i.e. 40 Euros in total. The meeting point is Hufelandweg 14, 10117 Berlin. If you are interested in participating, please book yourself two appointments at the link below. Requirement: normal color vision. You do not need to speak German to participate. On the day of the recording, please do wash/dry your hair, and do not use any product (e.g. gel or conditioner).


I'm looking forward to your participation.


David Haslacher
Clinical Neurotechnology Lab
Neuroscience Research Center
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Tel:  +4915202675626

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