[Stellenangebote] Research Students (SQL or Python/App, 20h/week), Hasso Plattner Institute, Homeoffice/remote

Alice Wittig awittig at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mo Aug 1 11:52:28 CEST 2022


are you following the monkeypox news? We too!
The DACS group at Hasso Plattner Institute, together with the Bioinformatics unit at the Robert Koch Institute are planning to set up a platform to easily keep track of monkeypox.

As the need for such a platform to be built is very high, we are looking to immediately hire helping hands (20h/week, 12,93€/h) with in-depth knowledge of either SQLite and PostgreSQL database systems or Python and front-end development for this year. Knowledge in the biological background is not required.

Tasks for the database translation and optimization position are:
- Adapt the already developed database + query framework for SARS-CoV-2 (https://github.com/rki-mf1/covsonar <https://github.com/rki-mf1/covsonar>) to monkeypox
- Convert the SQLite database to PostgreSQL
- Write an API

Tasks for the front-end developer position are:
- Develop a GUI for database queries using Dash
- Develop plots and maps based on the data

Interested? Then just drop us a line via email! Alice.Wittig at hpi.de <mailto:Alice.Wittig at hpi.de> and Ferdous.Nasri at hpi.de <mailto:Ferdous.Nasri at hpi.de> 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best, Alice

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