[Stellenangebote] Regional Academy on the United Nations 2021 - Call for Applications

Prechelt, Lutz prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Fr Mär 5 11:53:01 CET 2021

From: Regional Academy on the United Nations <raun-communications at ra-un.org>

Dear Sir or Madam,
We are contacting you on behalf of the Regional Academy on the United Nations (RAUN<https://ra-un.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=42f26b019e09bc04182ee5873&id=da38cc5b30&e=e01d5033cf>), an international, multidisciplinary education initiative that brings together United Nations' Organizations and outstanding Master and PhD students. As part of the six-month online program, students get the opportunity to conduct hands-on research projects for the UN Agencies and to attend lectures and interactive workshops given by experts and practitioners. RAUN’s aim is to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and resources about internal organizations and their functions, to raise their cultural awareness and openness, and to offer a forum for networking and academic exchange.
Currently, we are inviting applications for the 2021 RAUN academic year. The program will start in May this year and will deal with the theme:  “COVID-19 recovery: towards more resilient and inclusive solutions”. The deadline for applications is 4 April 2021. I am contacting you to kindly ask, whether you could forward the attached call for applications to the students of your university/faculty/department and to publish it on your website or newsletter, if possible. Together with our call for applications, I have attached a flyer introducing our program for your information and distribution.
RAUN is a non-profit organization operated entirely by volunteers. Except for a service charge of 50€, we do not charge participants any fees and we offer scholarships for those students who are otherwise not able to finance their participation. You can find more information about our program on our website<https://ra-un.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=42f26b019e09bc04182ee5873&id=bb445bd6ab&e=e01d5033cf>.
If you know colleagues in other departments/faculties whose students could benefit from this program, we would be grateful if you could forward this email to them.
Should you have any questions about RAUN or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your support!
With best regards,
Your RAUN team


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