[Stellenangebote] Student Assistant Bioinformatics - MPI Molecular Genetics - Berlin-Dahlem
Ralf Herwig
herwig at molgen.mpg.de
Mo Dez 13 11:46:23 CET 2021
Job for a Student Assistant
The Department of Developmental Genetics (Prof. Herrmann) at the
Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Dahlem is looking for a
talented bioinformatics student (up to 80 hrs/month) for the analysis of
RNA-seq data in the context of mouse embryonic development. We
investigate the role of genetic factors and metabolism in mouse
spermatogenesis. RNA-seq covers bulk and single-cell experiments.
Your work will be in cooperation with the Bioinformatics group (Herwig
lab) of the Department of Computational Molecular Biology of the Max
Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, and you have the possibility to
expand this work into a Master’s thesis. You will work on a Unix server
cluster environment and you will be embedded in a team of
interdisciplinary scientists.
We search for a motivated, open-minded student assistant with excellent
skills in Python programming, R/Bioconductor under the unix system and,
ideally, background knowledge in genetics and molecular biology.
Send your CV/application to herwig at molgen.mpg.de
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