[Stellenangebote] WG: Bioinformatician position until years'end - E13 - full time

Seyferth, Ulrike Ulrike.Seyferth at fu-berlin.de
Mo Apr 12 15:39:17 CEST 2021


Hello everyone!

The German Federal Institute for Risk aseessment is looking for a Bioinformatician untial year's end. The goal is to develop scientific computer tools to incorporate mathematical models and render them accessible to non expert users. For more info see the attached position description. The position is full time and in the E13 salary category. It might not be for a long time but it's a foot in the door, don't miss this opportunity! I also started with a similar position and I am still there after 3 years!

Be safe everyone and have a great week!

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