[Stellenangebote] WG: [Frauen-inform] Professor (W2) in “Knowledge Based Systems” at TU Dortmund University

Frauenbeauftragte MI frauenbeauftragte at mi.fu-berlin.de
Fr Apr 9 17:01:49 CEST 2021


ich bitte um Kenntnisnahme.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Sera Renée Zentiks

Freie Universität Berlin
FB Mathematik/Informatik
- dezentrale Frauenbeauftragte -
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin
SeraRenee.Zentiks at fu-berlin.de

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Frauen-inform <frauen-inform-bounces at mailhost.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Im Auftrag von Thomas Schwentick
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. April 2021 19:50
An: frauen-inform at informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Betreff: [Frauen-inform] Professor (W2) in “Knowledge Based Systems” at TU Dortmund University

The Department of Computer Science at TU Dortmund University is seeking to fill the position of a Professor (W2) in “Knowledge Based Systems” commencing as soon as possible. The successful candidate will specialize in research and teaching in the field of “Knowledge Based Systems”.

TU Dortmund University is seeking an outstanding individual and well established researcher in the field of “Knowledge Based Systems” with a focus on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and with relevant international publications in recognized venues with peer-review.

Applicants should complement the research activities of the Department of Computer Science and contribute to interdisciplinary collaborative research projects within and outside TU Dortmund University.

An appropriate contribution to the department’s core curriculum, especially in the area of logic is required, in the medium term also in German.

The successful candidate will possess social and leadership skills and be willing to be involved in academic self-governance.

Preconditions for employment are specified in § 36 and § 37 HG NRW (law governing universities in North-Rhine Westphalia).

With 6,500 employees in research, teaching and administration and its unique profile, TU Dortmund University shapes prospects for the future: the interaction between engineering and natural sciences as well as social and cultural studies drives both technological innovations and progress in knowledge and methodology. It is not only the roughly 33,400 students who benefit from this.

The Department of Computer Science at TU Dortmund University is one of the largest in Germany, with particular strengths in research. Among similar institutions it is distinguished by a combination of fundamental research on formal methods with the development of practical applications.Research focuses on Algorithmics, Data Science, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Software and Service Engineering.

TU Dortmund University strives to increase the number of women in academic research and teaching and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

TU Dortmund University is an equal opportunity employer and gives preference to candidates with disabilities if equally qualified.

TU Dortmund University supports the compatibility of work and family life and promotes gender equality in science.

Please send your application, including the usual documents (CV, list of publications, certificates, etc.) preferably by e-mail (in one pdf-file) to the following address by 05.05.2021

Dean of the Department of Computer Science Professor Dr.-Ing. Gernot A. Fink TU Dortmund University
44221 Dortmund – Germany
tel.: 0049-231/755-6151
fax: 0049-231/755-6116
e-mail: bewerbung at cs.tu-dortmund.de

The official text of the opening can be found at https://service.tu-dortmund.de/documents/18/2120803/Professor+W2+in+Knowledge+Based+Systems.pdf/b887f51b-8ba1-16bf-1aa7-3d7907e84d54.

Questions can be also addressed to thomas.schwentick at tu-dortmund.de.

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