[Stellenangebote] Open part time lecturer positions for introductory programming courses in R or Python

Florian Artinger artinger at berlin-international.de
Mo Sep 21 10:03:07 CEST 2020

Dear all,


At Berlin International we are currently looking for people to teach R or Python to undergraduate students. We can accommodate the ideas and wishes of the lecturers, so anything goes as long as it is suitable for an introductory level. What is important is that students spend a considerable time class exploring themselves the tools to apply and develop their skills. The groups are small (at most 15 students), so this is easy teaching experience. The pay is 50€ per 45 minutes taught.

Block course for 5th semester students:


Intro programming course during the semester for 3rd semester business students:


Applied programming course during the semester for 3rd semester business students:



Best wishes,



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