[Stellenangebote] The Research Group for Algorithmic Bioinformatics at the Regensburg Center for Interventional Immunology (RCI) is looking for a

Birte Kehr Birte.Kehr at klinik.uni-regensburg.de
Mo Nov 23 09:46:56 CET 2020

The Research Group for Algorithmic Bioinformatics at the Regensburg Center for
Interventional Immunology (RCI) is looking for a

PhD Student in “Genome analysis with exploratory workflows” (all gender,
reference number BK-2020-2)

The position is part of the DFG-funded collaborative research center “FONDA –
Foundations of workflows for large-scale scientific data analysis”
(https://fonda.hu-berlin.de). It is limited to 3.5 years and is remunerated on
the TV-L salary scale (TV-L EG 13, 100%).

The Algorithmic Bioinformatics research group at the RCI develops and
investigates novel algorithms for the analysis of genome sequence data in the
context of immunology, cancer and other biomedical research areas. As genome
sequence data is used to answer increasingly diverse research questions and at
ever larger scales, this creates a need for novel computational and statistical
analysis approaches for extracting comprehensible information from the data.
Our research group is focusing on the development of scalable, innovative and
specifically targeted algorithms for very large amounts of sequence data and
novel types of sequence data.

In FONDA, researchers from nine institutions collaboratively work in twelve
different subprojects spanning two research areas: new foundations for the
specification of workflows and new foundations for workflow engines. The
subprojects assemble various perspectives onto data analysis workflows and
their application in the life sciences. The PhD student at the RCI will closely
collaborate with another PhD student in the same subproject (A6), who will be
located in the group of Prof. Weidlich at Humboldt Universität Berlin and
develop models and algorithms for exploratory workflows. At the RCI, we will
guide this development with state-of-the-art genome analysis workflows and
instantiate the new models for structural variant detection in large-scale
genome sequence data.

Please find more information about responsibilities and requirements in the
attached document or at https://www.rcii.de/jobs/.

If you are interested in the position, we would be delighted to receive your
application including your statement of interest, curriculum vitae,
certificates, expected availability date, list of publications and two
references by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Birte Kehr (bewerbungen.rci at ukr.de) and
through the FONDA portal https://hu-berlin/fonda-portal-2020. Application
deadline is December 6th, 2020. 

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