[Stellenangebote] LAN QIAO CUP International Collegiate Programming Contest Berlin 25.-31.10.

Prechelt, Lutz prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mo Sep 23 16:23:52 CEST 2019

From: Lanqiao Cup <lanqiaocup at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 14:49
To: dekanat at mi.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Welcome to 2019 LAN QIAO CUP International Collegiate Programming Contest- Berlin

Dear Sir or Mandam,
We sincerely invite undergraduates from your university to participate in 2019 LANQIAO CUP International Programming Contest and compete in the same class with Chinese students. At the same time, we also hope that you can forward/share this message to the undergraduates from your university. Thank you very much!
Nowadays, China's IT industry is flourishing, professional technology is progressing, talent demand is increasing. As China's largest professional contest, the social influence and professional recognition of Lan Qiao Cup increases year by year. The contest attracts not only the best of China's professional students from China, but also more and more foreign students.
In 2017, for the first time, Lan Qiao Cup walks out of China to hold the international contest in USA, to provide a more open and merged competition platform for the students from different countries, further improve the professional level of the contest and promote professional and cultural exchanges between domestic and international. The international contest will be committed to promote the communication between the world's outstanding professional students and provide an opportunity for mutual understanding and learning.
Lan Qiao Cup International Contest is an international exchange event. The organizing committee will invite college students in computer field from the host country and its neighboring countries to compete with Chinese players. The host country will be replaced once a year.

The 3rd Lanqiao International Competition will be held in Germany-Berlin from October 25th to 26th, 2019.
So we want to invite the students who study about computer science in Germany to attend this international contest. Please share this information to the computer science students. Thank you very much!

The register link as follow:
More detail information about LAN QIAO International Collegiate Programming Contest see as the links:

with kind regards!

Lan Qiao Cup Committee
20th, September, 2019

2019 Lanqiao Cup Committe
The 3rd Lanqiao International Competition in Berlin
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