[Stellenangebote] Hackathon Vhacks 2019, ethical technology, 22.-25. August, Paris

Prechelt, Lutz prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mo Apr 29 16:34:03 CEST 2019

From: Team VHacks <team at vhacks.org>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 16:06
To: dekanat at mi.fu-berlin.de
Subject: Vhacks 2019 Applications Now

Dear Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science,

My name is Grady and I’m a student organizer for VHacks<http://vhacks.org/>, an international hackathon in partnership with the Vatican that is focused on building ethical technology. Last year, we enjoyed hosting over 120 student hackers in Vatican City and supporting them as they built software and hardware projects to address social issues.

I am writing to you because the VHacks team would like to invite students from Freie Universitat Berlin and a few other select schools to apply early to VHacks 2019. VHacks will take place in Paris, France from August 22-25 and will provide students the opportunity to work on NGO projects during and after the hackathon. Interested students may apply early here<https://goo.gl/forms/3BKoHtC5iA0ur7sq2>.

VHacks’ mission is threefold:

·       To leverage technology to help enhance the solutions of NGOs, who supply problem statements related to their fields.

·       To promote collaboration amongst the most talented university students from diverse academic, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

·       To provide a framework for ethically-minded innovation.

While applying early does not guarantee admission, it does provide a competitive advantage as we will be reviewing hacker applications on a rolling basis.

If you could forward this email to your undergraduate mailing list, that would be wonderful. We appreciate the help and look forward to receiving students from Freie Universitat Berlin to VHacks 2019!


Grady and the VHacks Hacker Experience Team

VHacks 2019<https://www.vhacks.org/>
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