[Stellenangebote] Contest: DigitalGlobe Earth Observation Challenge (register until May 22)
Lutz Prechelt
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mo Mai 7 17:48:23 CEST 2018
From: Ana ANDREEVA [mailto:ana at bemyapp.com]
Subject: Students’ invitation to join the Earth Observation Challenge by DigitalGlobe
Dear Mr Prechelt,
I’m reaching out as we are organising <http://bit.ly/Eochallengegeosc> the Earth Observation Challenge, a free online contest initiated by DigitalGlobe, in partnership with the European Space Agency, that could be quite interesting for your students.
This online competition will band together geoscientists, Einsteins of Data and code pros to develop next-level Geospatial solutions by unlocking one-hundred petabytes of multispectral and high-resolution imagery.
Available tech will include GBDX Notebooks and data from DigitalGlobe, as well as ESA APIs. The three winning projects will receive part of the 10K prize pool.
Would you be interested in helping us spread the word by relaying the invitation to the Freie Universitat students? If so, I am available to schedule a quick call this week to discuss further details.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
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