[Stellenangebote] Vollzeit-Job: UNITY / C# Developer, tribe GmbH, Berlin

Marcus Edel marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Do Mai 3 02:02:48 CEST 2018

UNITY / C# Developer (Berlin, asap)

You’re into fancy offices*
You’re good for 9-5
You’re just looking for the next gig

2 passionate founders with 15+ years of tech expertise and backgrounds in
math (PhD), information systems, and social psychology.
A high-tech startup in stealth pushing the frontier of what’s
technologically possible in real-time motion capturing to create lifelike
emotions when you are remote.
Shaping the future of work by enabling rewarding remote interactions and
meaningful emotions. So we can all spend more time face-to-face with the
people who truly matter to us.
We want you to be with your tribe wherever you are: talk face2face, see
eye2eye, and feel that you belong.
Coders, hackers, tinkers. Work samples, projects, or whatever demonstrates
you know your stuff. Formal education nice-to-have.
Hard work and a real engineering challenge.
The fun, despair, and rewards that come with cracking it.
The chance to be part of something big and meaningful.
If you’re up for a challenge, send us a brief intro including your work
samples or reference projects: apply at tribeapp.com

*mind you we’ve got a hell of a fancy one. But that shouldn’t matter to you.

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