[Stellenangebote] PhD Positions in Molecular Biology, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna
Marcus Edel
marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mi Mär 14 17:11:51 CET 2018
Dear Colleague
The Vienna BioCenter is a leading Life Sciences location, where we run
different training initiatives, namely a PhD Programme
(training.vbc.ac.at), which are jointly organized by four research
institutes: IMP, IMBA, GMI and MFPL.
We are looking for knowledgeable and motivated applicants, and we know
by experience that your university provides excellent training for
talented students, hence we wanted to advertise our programme with your
Master Students. We are writing to ask what is the best method to reach
your Master students. Do you have a job portal or newsletter that we
could advertise in? Or should we just send an email and poster that you
could distribute?
We offer a very competitive training programme: the students will be
hired on competitive full-employment contracts; the research institutes
are well-funded and offer world-class scientific facilities; our
research groups work at the forefront of their fields and have an
impressive publication record. Thus, the VBC PhD Students make important
contributions to their field and the majority graduate with at least one
first author publication. Plus, they are then part of a large network,
which allows them to move on to different position either in academia or
industry (you can find a full description attached).
Thank you in advance for your time. Look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards, Chris
Christopher Robinson
VBC PhD Administrator
T +43 1 79730-3001 robinson at imp.ac.at
www.imp.ac.at IMP
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
Campus-Vienna-Biocenter 1
1030 Vienna, Austria
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