[Stellenangebote] Vollzeit-Job: Consultant (Route optimization), AMCS Group, Berlin
Marcus Edel
marcusedel at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Do Jan 18 13:47:25 CET 2018
I am emailing from the HR Department of AMCS Group. Our HQ office is
located in Ireland, but we also have an office in Berlin where we are
currently recruiting for a Consultant.
I would be grateful if you could please share this job on your university
Thanks in advance,
[cid:image543940.PNG at 06de92ba.458c761c]<http://www.amcsgroup.com>
Kate O'Neill - HR Specialist
Office :
Kate.ONeill at amcsgroup.com<mailto://Kate.ONeill@amcsgroup.com>
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